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she kills monsters


Epiphany Arts Youth Theatre is an award winning youth theatre company based in Sydney's inner west.

We have produced work for the Sydney Fringe Festival, Short & Sweet Festival, Wakakirri Story Dance Festival, Theatresports Regional Championships, the Inner West Fest and Bell Shakespeare National Film Festival, winning 'Excellence in Direction' in 2020. 

We nurture creative talent with a comprehensive term program offering drama classes, production rehearsals, musical theatre, sketch comedy improv, filmmaking and music lessons.

We specialise in performance based learning in a focused and inclusive environment that values individuality, ideas and collaboration.

We bring Sydney’s finest performing arts tutors from NIDA, AFTRS, WAAPA, VCA, ATYP and Impro Australia to teach term classes, holiday programs and produce major theatrical productions at our professional theatres and drama studios.

If you have a young actor, singer, dancer or musician, there is no better place to develop their confidence, communication and leadership skills.

Sydney Premiere of Qui Nguyens


‘We live in your house, but we don’t live in your world’

Agnes is 18 and well, average. She listens to MTV, wears the latest fashion and still dates her old high school boyfriend. But her younger sister Tilly is anything but average. She’s into the dark arts, Dungeons and Dragons, hot demon queens and dismembering frogs. That is, until she died.

With a rocking 90s soundtrack and a slew of pop culture references, this high octane, hit of the US stage is having its Sydney premiere at the Gay Entrée Festival in 2025 and is a celebration of LGBTQ teens searching for empowerment and identity.

As Agnes adventures through Tilly’s homespun D&D module, her world is turned on its head as she discovers Tilly is in love with a girl and the truth lies within a diverse fantasy world. Here the heroes are misfit teens and the bullies, popular cheerleaders.

It is here that Agnes must confront demons, save souls and learn how to fight monsters.

Wednesday 19 |  Friday 21 | Sunday 23

Factory Theatre

Click here to Book Securely Online.


Have questions? Please contact Annie for more information.

Autumn Holiday Stage Camp 2024

GLEE ADVAnceD singing for

musical theatre singers

Epiphany Arts Inc.

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